23 March 2010

Grady's Run- Canoe and Kayak down the Magnetewan River for SickKids

I was recently contacted by a reader and given information about an event that as a father and a canoeist immediately captured my heart. I think others would be interested in participating in, if not donating to, and so as requested I offer this humble "blog advertisement" in support of little Grady and the brave family he left behind.

To my utter surprise Proppe's Paddles consistently ranks around 350th place in terms of Blogs tracked by Blog Tracker, which equates to daily hits of between 300 and 600. With that in mind I am confident that a few readers will consider making a donation, if not participating in the Grady's Run - Canoe and Kayak down the Magnetewan River for SickKids.

While I am currently unsure where I will be, let alone what I will I be doing on July 10th, I have marked the date on my calendar and hope to attend. Either way my thoughts will be with Grady and his family on July 10th and I will be saying a little prayer for the little guy, whether I am able to attend or not.

The following is a copy of the e-mail I received:

Hello Jeff,

Since your blog reaches paddling enthusiasts in Ontario and beyond, I

am seeking your help in spreading the word about a paddling event that

promises to be a great day on the water while raising funds for an

important cause.

Paddlers are invited to join Grady's Paddle for SickKids as we canoe or

kayak from the town of Burk's Falls, down the flat water of the

Magnetawan River and across Lake Ceceebe, to the village of Magnetawan.

The route is 32km (there will also be a 21km route for beginners) and

passes through some beautiful scenery just north of Muskoka.

The event takes place on July 10th and will be supported on the water

and along the shore, including free transport from the finish back to

the start for paddlers as well as their watercraft. Canoe and kayak

rentals are available from local outfitters (many at a deep discount)

for those who don't have their own. There will be food, entertainment

and great prizes at the end of the route. Many paddling and outdoor

industry members have been very generous with prizes and support. The

grand prize --a 14' Sanarac sport kayak from Swift Canoe-- will be

awarded to the participant who collects the most pledges over $1,000.

Paddlers are asked to register and collect pledges in support of

SickKids Hospital Critical Care Unit. Grady's Paddle for SickKids is

sanctioned by SickKids Foundation and tax receipts will be issued for

donations over $20.

The event was conceived and is being organized by my friend, Judy

Dibben, in memory of her grandson, Grady King, who died at 6 months old

due to a congenital heart defect. Grady's family learned first hand of

the care given by the team at SickKids, and are committed to supporting

their further efforts. Your help in supporting this event will be

deeply appreciated.

We ask you to spread the word among your network of readers in the

hopes that some of them will be interested in participating. Anyone is

also welcome to support the event with prize donations. Tax receipts

will be issued for the full retail value of prizes over $20 value

(please supply receipt with prize).

And of course, you're also invited to put your own canoe or kayak in

the water and join us for a great paddle and a fun day!

For more information about Grady's Paddle for SickKids and Grady's

story, please visit:


Thank you for your time, and for any support you can offer.

Kind regards,

Jackie Leung

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