15 March 2011

Time for the Annual Ice Out Lottery

I was e-mailed a notice that the annual Canoe Lake Ice Out Page was up and running and thought my readers might enjoy a look.   Over the past few years cheering on the melting of the ice has become much anticipated late winter event, and one I plan on enjoying again this year.  For the record my virtual money is on April 11th.

Jefferson Ridpath, the brainchild of this web site, offers an extensive amount of information regarding historical ice out data as well as his popular ice out poll.  I hope Jefferson doesn't mind, but the following picture (found on his 2002 edition of his site)  and exert (from his 2011 edition) have me thinking about paddling again already!

Happy melting!

"Is it March already?!? It must be, because I'm getting emails asking when the Official Canoe Lake Ice-out Poll begins :-)

Well, it begins now!

After last year -- the winter that wasn't, and an ice-out date to shatter all records -- we seem to be back to normal. It feels like I've been shoveling and scraping every morning since well before Xmas, and we're a week into March without much relief. We were up on Canoe Lake two weeks ago, just after the big February Thaw that we seem to get every year, and although there wasn't as much snow as usual, the ice looked clear and solid.

As always you can follow the action with updates, photos, rules, weather forecasts and archives of past years right here at the official Canoe Lake Ice-out website.

So, get your date before someone else does! You can submit it by e-mail to: iceout@canoelake.ca, and if you haven't already, be sure to sign up for the mailing list so you will be notified of important ice-out events, like, well, when the ice goes out ;-)"

I hope he doesn't mind, but the following picture (found on his site)
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1 comment:

Amy @ Soul Dipper said...

Good luck on April 11th. If you win, you get to take all your readers out for a virtual dinner! Crunch, crack, whizzzzz, squeak. I forget all the sounds at break up.