11 March 2009

Rick Mercer Visits Algonquin Park

This week Rick Mercer visited Algonquin Park to do some work on Bear Tagging and research. The video was absolutely hilarious and well worth a look.

Some of my favorite lines included:

"Here's you new collar, this years model is the same as last year, only it holds more songs!"
"You know how I know there are three cubs? I counted the heads."
"Do I have to put all 3 back? Can I just keep one?"
"I think we should just go with the double dose."

Check it out!
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Bernie said...

I so enjoyed this video. Happy Easter to you and your wonderful family and thank you for sharing:) Bernie

Unknown said...

It is so pity that in my country it is impossible to see it.....

Joc said...

Nice one

My friend has one of these
It has help us keep warm on many a cold night.
you could say it save our bacon and cook it:)

Anonymous said...

Best line - the screaming one is Danny Williams.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this video. Thank you for sharing it. Love and peace,


Anonymous said...

I could barely leave my computer as this was such an interesting and beautiful site.
Thank you so much for the pictures and dialogue.
The video was lovely and also funny.
Please give us more. Love this Nature site.
Thank you so very much.
Mrs. C. Bell

Anonymous said...

Simply FANTASTIC. Great video.

Doug Rivait

Alana T said...

What a wonderful video.We could never experience this except for seeing it done. How great.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You are now my favorite person. Such wit, compassion and handsome as well. Seriously consider getting yourself cloned...this old blue marble needs more like you.

Unknown said...

Thank you Rick Mercer! I really enjoyed this and keep up the good work. You are proving that we have fantastic talent here in Canada - if not a bit crazy too!

Cheryl P said...

That is awesome, great job I have enjoyed this movie emmensely. Algonquin Park is my favourite place in the entire world. It is peaceful and so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I live in Sudbury, northern Ontario for sure and love bears. Do not bring the bear hunt back

andree berezowski said...

My Son loves camping in Algonquin Park..He loves the nature and peacefulness of it.Great movie of the bears.I so happy that they are protected..

Anonymous said...

Best comment: "Are Canadian bears the only ones with universal health care?"

Anonymous said...

Rick (and the bears) make us proud to be Canadians. The politicians, not so much.

Anonymous said...

Algonquin Park is my favourite place. Nature at it best!
For how long..... ??? Ontario's Green Energy has big plans for this international treasure---They have proposed a large industrial wind farm near the Eastern Gates. Check out Whitney Wind Energy Project. It is called:

Lori E said...

Another great video from Rick Mercer. Have you seen the one where he and Man in Motion hero Rick Hansen go bungee jumping. OMG it is hysterical.
Thanks for sharing.

Heather Z. said...

Hey, Rick..just saw this now..too cute! Be glad you didn't take a cub home; my uncle found a cub in a trap (rotten trappers) years ago; got it out; saved it's life; got vet care for it; had it several years until the neighbors complained (he had it in a compound and loved it to pieces) but finally had to give it up to MooseJaw Zoo (broke his heart to send his friend away, but Snoopy did live out his life at the Zoo'til he passed away..it would be like giving up one of your boys..so, be glad you left that cub with him mom!!

Debbie B said...

Thank you Rick Mercer. What a delightful and informative video!

Anonymous said...

This was an amazing video....my kids loved it....please highlight more things like nature and our beautiful natural resources....it makes us proud to be Canadian!!

Darlene said...

I still love this video. We were lucky enough to have Rick and his crew stay with us during the shooting for this episode. They had some awesome footage! Algonquin is Beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

Heart & soul-melting! Reminds me once more of the fact that the wildlife animals have to not only learn to survive killings among themselves, they have to worry about the biggest predators of all -- us the insatiable human species -- for profit & pleasures. How sad!

Anonymous said...

what fun; we live in western ma at the foot of the mt tom range and often have black bears in our yard swinging from the bird feeders and climbing trees when WE get too close. wonderful animals and a great video.

L8r daze, -PoppaMike hubby of Gail, Dx ET 4-4-2011 :> said...

This is phenomenal! I hope it's up here awhile -I want to show my 5-year old daughter & 3rd grade students!

Keep up the great work!

Home Business Components said...

Thanks for posting the Bear video. I enjoyed it very much and can't wait for you to post more.


Dan Rose

Anonymous said...

This is an amazing video. Thank you for giving us this opportunity to see the bear family at home !

Anonymous said...

I kept wanting to ask - 'where is the papa bear hibernating?'....was he in the same cave or off on his own??

Unknown said...

OMG what a wonderful video. I have never seen anything like it.

Thank you Rick

Mary Williams said...

A wonderful video. You really catch the spirit of a novice in bear country and express what everybody is thinking with humor and empathy for the animals. Thanks so much.

Kathleen said...

Who has the best job on Earth? Rick Mercer!
What an fantastic thing to see.
Aren't your snowshoes on backwards at the end?

Anonymous said...

Is this really necessary? What about the drugs given to the mother bear? There is always danger of anesthesia causing death. Plus, won't this drug get into her milk which goes into the cubs?

Unknown said...

Loved it! Quite entertaining as it was informative.

Unknown said...

Loved it! Quite entertaining as it was informative.

Cillysue said...

My heart just swelled with love for those little ones and the mom too! She has a big job ahead of her. Hope they all survive it. Thanks so much for sharing. Your a funny guy and handsome too! :)

Anonymous said...

This is so damn cute!!!!

Hank31641 said...

You da man Rick! That was great! You are one witty individual! Cheers. Hank.

Jan Rossi said...

Very nicely done. Nice use of GPS tracking to find and keep count of the bears. Very informative as well as entertaining. Thank you for sharing! - Jan

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing such a wonderful experience.

kenju said...

A wonderful video!! Such precious babies; I hope they make it through the winter.

Tony Lohnes said...

I love this video...excellent job!!

Marg Boyd said...

G'day from Marg (South Australia, Australia)

Thank you for showing this video. It was fantastic & it is great to see other people caring about animals as my daughter & I do. It is good to know that we are all becoming more responsible & caring towards other species with whom we share this planet. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!
PS: I would have checked your pockets for any cubs.

Unknown said...

so enjoyable; and rick you are a hoot; love your sense of humor...

Unknown said...

so enjoyable; and rick you are a hoot; love your sense of humor...

Unknown said...

What a wonderful video! Thank you for sharing. I love your sense of humor and your connection with the bear~pros. Your living a life I've only ever dreamed of :)

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing. Our summers are sometimes spent just 3 miles south of the park at Oxtongue Lake.
Nina Baldwin

Anonymous said...

This was great and I'd love to see more of these. A heartwarming documentary.

Garden Lily said...

That is soooo cute. Rick Mercer is very funny - a national treasure! Thanks for posting.

casey pons said...

It's always nice to see work like this being done on the conservation end of the spectrum. And a little sense of humor associated with the hard-work makes it all the more relative for the folks who are urban bound and don't see the work being done to manage the wildlife.
Very nice feel good video.

Anonymous said...

Good to see that our neighbors to the north..people that love bears..please visit your southern neighbors..bear lovers at bear.org..together we can make life for bears more BEARABLE :)

Soul Dipper said...


Anonymous said...

I Loved the baby bears!! To cute!!! Poor momma!!

Anonymous said...

I so loved this. Couldn't wait to send it on to all my friends. Keep them coming.

Anonymous said...

Love it! Glad my cousin shared. Please keep your zest for life. Your students are lucky! How little wee bears grow so big!

Erin Shipley said...

Rick Mercer..honestly, you bring such joy to the world. This was ABSOLUTELY great, as a Wildlife Photographer myself, I would have LOVED to have been there, thanks Rick, my best to you, David and the boys, Cheers, Erin

Anonymous said...

Whoops, wrote my last comment and attributed Jeff's family toRick Mercer,

all the best Rick, loved the video, thank you and all who made it!
Cheers, Erin

Anonymous said...

Way tooo cute. Thoroughly enjoyed.

Anonymous said...

my heart breaks for those little children, they will be in my prayers that God protects them from the abomination that they are forced to live through at this time in their young lives

Anonymous said...



LorraineB said...

Such beautiful animals! This was a great video.

Anonymous said...

this is hilarious!! i loved it. those little guys are soooo cute!! thank you for sharing.

Claire said...

Love that video! Makes me want to return to Canada... oops I forgot about blizzards and wind chill.
I wish I could watch Rick Mercer
down her in Arizona.

KK said...

It is so nice to see something so wonderful close up and personal!! Thank you so much for sharing, I appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Very cool...posted to my facebook site for my kids and friends to see... thanks rick !

Kozmik DreamZz Band

Anonymous said...

Just so amazing! Never seen a little cub that young! Thank you..such a beautiful place!

Anonymous said...

I just love bears they make the cutest.....Rugs!

San Diego Trojan said...

What a warm, wonderful video. It's always amazing and rewarding to see good human beings doing good things to help and preserve the life of other creatures on this planet!

slaplant84 said...

All I say is, "Awww!" That squealer was beyond precious. Throughly enjoyed the video.

Mike Nelson Pedde said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
PatriotPaul said...

You Canadians leave such beautiful comments. In the U.S. people would be writing such trash as "That's so gay!" or "Let's put a housing development there" or "Universal health care is only for bears, not for humans."

Thanks for the great video and the refreshingly postive, upbeat comments.

Paul Harris
Author, "Diary From the Dome, Reflections on Fear and Privilege During Katrina"

Anonymous said...

WOW! What a job. I would have wanted to keep one also.

Anonymous said...

Cute little Cubs. Hope they grow up to be big healthy Bears. I like to hunt Big Healthy Bears. They make great Bearskin Rugs. Not bad eating if prepared right.

Unknown said...

Cuddly now but not if Mama woke up. You would have been three appetizers!.......Hope you had your running shoes on!

Unknown said...

Question: Did you remove the blue mask/muzzle from the unconsious bear before putting her back with cubs in the Den? I didn't see you do that so you have me worried????Please respond. Thanks a million.

Sandy said...

I loved this video! I keep threatening to leave the states and move to Canada (this happens to me w/almost every upcoming election...) and this may have convinced me to finally do it. I would love seeing nature like this, unspoiled.

Unknown said...

This video has got to be one of the best I've seen...funny and touching all in one. I'm so glad someone sent it to me...

Marianne said...

This is such nice information.
Could you place buttons for Facebook and Twitter and MySpace on your site to make this site more known to others?
Thank you for sharing!

Unknown said...

could you send one to palm desert

Anonymous said...

I am so glad there is some one out there protecting and looking after the the bears.

All I hear about are mounty's and shooting them

Anonymous said...

There should be no hunting of Bears by Trappers because all they do is feed the Bear and when some idiot comes that wants to shoot a bear they put them on a horse lead them around for as long as they can.

Just before it is time for the mighty hunter to go home they find this Bear who was fed and shhoot him or her.

That is my opinion.



Anonymous said...

What a wonderful experience...Thanks for letting us share. Rick Mercer is a real Canadian Gem... Janie and Ken

Anonymous said...

Isn't anyone concerned that the mother bear was drugged and she is feeding 6 week old babies milk that will probably be contaminated with that drug? Who are we doing this for? Certainly not in the best interest of the bears. Comments please?

Anonymous said...

Love the video AND the snow.

James said...

Why are these bears treated as toys, prisoners and jokes? Why are they handled, drugged, weighed, measured and numbered? Why are they degraded into "cute"? How could this video become amusing? Perhaps the laugh track is meant to cue this perspective, but I see a violent intrusion of idiotic technological power into the space of possibly wild animals. Disgusting.

trukardan said...

at least the Canadian education system is still teaching you how to count.......... yup thar's 3!!
Great fun video.

Unknown said...

I live in The USA in Oklahoma the video is awesome thanks for sharing

Jeff Hudson said...

Thanks for sharing. I've helped with the deer count and taggings here in Chickamauga Park in Northwest Georgia and it is always rewarding to do some work helping local wildlife.

jooleepadoolie said...

I hope that fans of this video will see the work being done by Dr Lynn Rogers. He has studied black bears for over 40 years, and does not tranquilize them when changing their collars or checking vitals. He is also pushing for laws that would protect collared research bears from hunters. See him at www.bear.org
Click on Lily and Hope tab.

Sheri Fresonke Harper said...

Cool that he has bears in the local park

Anonymous said...

So-Called Patriot Paul - What the hell is wrong with you that you have to bring in such nastiness to this commentary? 99.9% of the Americans that view(ed)this video would love it and I do not see one such foul chatter on this board with the exception of you. Go away P.P. Your kind of "patriotism" is a jingoistic form of nonsense we can do without.

charlotte said...

This was awesome!!! I think Mahatma Ghandi once said this, "The greatness of a nation, and it's moral progress can be judged by the way it's animals are treated! Enough said.

Anonymous said...

Excellent video of those cuddly cubs ... I wish I could have one here! Was near Tofino the other week and saw two bears on the way. I wish I could have seen more. Bear watching is high on my wish list. You all doing an excellent job for their conservation - well done!

Unknown said...

Rick, you're a riot! My favorite line was about the Universal Health Care .too funny! I live in the US, Virginia and I think we have some bears SOMEWHERE..

Anonymous said...

Hey PatriotPaul! I am from the US and I loved this video! Those babies are precious and I hope that momma and babies are doing well! I love animals and want them to be taken care of...have room to roam and not be hunted to extinction! People need to realise the whole world doesn't belong to them!

Gloria said...

This was amazing! I moved to Texas a number of years ago and Rick Mercer is one of the things I miss the most as well as Canadian TV. The satire is way ahead of US TV.

Oregon fan said...

This is about the cutest thing I've seen in years! And, educational as well as being a "hoot"!
Great going, Rick!

Jay said...

That was one of the cutest things I've seen for a long time, but not sugary cutesy cute. Just really nice and heartwarming.


Home Improvement Contractors said...

Oh those little cubs were amazing.Nature is wonderful and the Algonquin Park has it's just amazing. Loved the video, made me smile: Ontario bears with universal health care :) Yuppee and the screaming cub is Danny Williams.
Thanks for sharing this video.

Anonymous said...

If anyone thought this was cute and funny. Personally I think it is creul to tranquilize bears. My husband kept telling me to turn it off. the only think cute about the video is thelittle cubs. You want ot see something truely cute and AMAZING you should check out NABC North American Bear Center, bear.org where they don't tranquilize their bears. They work with their collared bears with nuts and trust.

Unknown said...

Great video. Next time keep one for me too! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

What a great video. I live in New Jersey and we have many black bears. Too bad the government has approved a hunt this year. They are such beautiful creatures, and we should learn to live with them and not hunt them.



Anonymous said...

I watched it twice. Thanks for the joy!

Tommacklem said...

Rick Mercer has guts !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! Thanks for sharing this with all of us!!!

Anonymous said...

This was absolutely awesome to watch! I am so very glad I found this.

Wayne from Alberta said...

No matter where I venture in Canada.. places like Algonquin Park in Ontario or Jasper Park in the Canadian Rockies, Alberta.. nature is so beautiful. Thanks Rick.

claudiaput said...

Oh how Wonderful!!!!!
Thanks so much for sharing this, I just loved it...
Rick, you are to funny!!! I would have kept 1 myself if possible.. To Sweet!!!!

Anonymous said...

Read you bio in the side bar. Sorry the average man is not gay and certainly doesn't try to raise two kids in a gay household leaving the children lacking a maternal hand in guidance. eaching is a noble profession to be sure but spare me and the rest of America the normalization of homosexuality.

Anonymous said...

I cried & laughed through this video, mother nature is awsome!!!God's creatures great & small...Thank you so very much for sharing!!! Keep up the good work!!

Anonymous said...

I would like to see more bears and less of the goofy guy talking and talking. This vdo gets an D

Anonymous said...

It was wonderful to be able to know what really does go on with the bears thank you

Unknown said...

Wonderful...great laughs to start my day, I want a cub too...so darn cute but Mom needs her family. Thanks for sharing.

John said...

We tent camped at Algonquin in July 1972, until we translated the French signs that read "Beware of Bears".

Anonymous said...

O.K. so mom wakes up and tells her babies... "I dreamt I was abducted by Aliens...they probed me and put a collar on me and put me back. I don't think any of the other bears will believe me"!

Anonymous said...

I thought this video was a scream. you are sooooo funny and handsome like someone else said, but most of all you seem like you do enjoy life, the outdoors, animals, and having a good time. How cute those cubs were. I would love to be in one of your classes, but i suppose at 67 i would stand out like a sore thumb. we should have more people like you in the world.

Anne said...

So cute! Glad to hear so much is being done for these gorgeous creatures.

Anonymous said...

well, the bears were cute.

Anonymous said...

Was interested and amused to see
these powerful and noble creatures
being cared for during hibernation.
Do not remember being tagged though,
so I must have been asleep

ALPO said...

I respect Rick's humour. However people must remember that the "cute factor" of black bear cubs stops when they are cubs. Adult bears are a species that must be respected. The whole purpose of this excercise is to gain data for the management of ontarios bear population.
Kudos to the biologists and the long hours they put in.
Please use the facts to bring back the spring bear hunt.

Anonymous said...

Romans 1:18-32 NIV
18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

Denise said...

That was so cool - Rick, you've got the spirit of an 8 year old, I I love 8 year old men!!! lol

Anonymous said...

We are blessed to have such a wonderful country. Thanks for the post

Anonymous said...

Rick Miercer Should Try And Find Some Comedic Lessons, he is by NO way funny .. the cubs were cute tho.. but if you have never seen one, outside of a zoo, you should think about getting you a@@ out of the city and see what your country has to offer..

lrwalls said...

Great narration. Marvelous video. I'm viewing in November 2010 with my granddaughter spending a few overnights with us. I couldn't wait to replay it for her. Thank you for inviting us to participate in this awesome experience.

Mrs4444 said...

This was interesting, as well as entertaining. Thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

Amazing stuff. Rick is not a brave man but is a funny, game one. Does he know what will happen if he keeps one of those cubs? It would not be pretty! Great vidio. MP

Shannon Dooley said...

Sooo funny! Thanks for sharing!

Richard W. said...

Very interesting and entertaining, thanks.

Anonymous said...

I have tears in my eyes after watching this video. So amazing and wonderful the things we do to save nature and her creations. Thank you so much. C in Oklahoma

lori said...

This made me cry I was laughing with so much joy. Rick is hilarious!! I sent it on to my friend who works at the bear center in Ely, MN. He is going to LOVE it! Thanks Rick.

Anonymous said...

What an excellent video. Very interesting as well as entertaining. Rick is a funny fellow. Thanks for doing such meaningful work and sharing with us.

Stephanie Dahlberg said...

What a great video and what wonderful, humorous commentary. If Rick ever wants to see the wildlife in KC, MO he will have a cushy crashpad at our home!

Anonymous said...

The insane background music makes it extremely difficult to hear the dialogue!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Amazing! How organized you are! A very special work to take care of those bears! A wonderful job! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

could you not lose rick mercer in the park he is such a goof

Anonymous said...

My husband and I enjoyed this video!We own a cottage at Cross Lake, Madawaska Ontario. We drive through the West Gate Entrance of Algonquin Park and cross paths with many moose & bear along the way each year.I have video clips and many photos of them to enjoy all year around. It's such a "hoot" to see Rick's clips about his adventures, but we especially like this one because of the location. Thanks for sharing! Toledo, Ohio USA

Anonymous said...

How adorable!! Thought you were supposed to wear gloves the whole time when handle cubs to avoid human scent...

Anonymous said...

i am from Pennsylvania and i loved it. We see a lot of Black bears up at are cabin and their little ones. This video is great can not wait to show my girls. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Great video! Thanks Rick for sharing this. I love your sense of humour

annie said...

The wonderous joys of Nature
Such little screachers they are
What a great video~!!

Annie Ct USA

Anonymous said...

Great job. Enjoyed the video as everyone else did. I live in Alaska and we have both Brown and Black Bears. I see some of the comments are from "city folk". Our brown bears are cute too unless they are charging you but if they get you down they usually won't kill you. Lots of bits and if you lay very still they will walk off. Now our black bears are different. Like our Polar bears you are a meal. Both will kill you and eat you. Oh so cute. I had a cute black bear coming for me one night. Ears laid back and on the low crawl. I shouted at it several times before I did what I had to do with a .41 magnum. Didn't feel much like being eaten or killed by a black bear 20 miles from a road....... I am only a retired Game Warden.

Anonymous said...

It is shocking to me that professionals would remove the cubs from the nest, remove the mother, strap on that huge collar, (I think each of the doers really should have had a collar like that one on as well) and consider it a job well done. It is disruptive and disturbing to the bears!

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for your kids having a gay father and all. No child should have to grow being surrounded with such immorality, they didn't ask to be in such an inviroment nor should you give them such

Anonymous said...

Someone emailed me a link to this site; I'm so pleased they did. Great video!

Bryan Pyke said...

Absolutely the best eco-social example of Canadian focus. And I liked the dedication at the bottom of the page, Props to you Proppe.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic video, I wondered why the tracking collars have to be so large with all the modern technology these days why not something smaller that would not hinder the bears neck?

Anonymous said...

You are the Best, Rick! What wonderful footage! I grew up in 'bear' country in rural Sask. and have never seen anything like that! Incredible program. Thanks, TK

mary said...

Having been living out of Canada since 1984 it was a simple joy for me to hear that sweet humble Canadian accent. Well done tagging those silly bears too. Couldn't help but notice that little screaming fella had a bit of a french accent going on...could it be that Mama and Papa Bear are bilingual???

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who thinks that anyone who drugs and collars a wild animal should be treated exactly the same, or worse?

Unknown said...

Wonderful video.

Anonymous said...

This is sooo funny. I can just hear the bears in the future saying" we were picked up by aliens, carried into space. They did some strange test on me and then left a metal chip on my body. See"

Russ said...

This was the first time Ive seen this and was wonderful

Carole said...

If any of you Canadians want to see more great entertainment from Rick tune into his weekly program on CBC. I just love this guy.

Anonymous said...

The host is a d-bag. Not funny in any way and what an annoying Canadian accent.

Anonymous said...

It will not be long before the U.S. government will be counting humans without knocking on the door at census time.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this video and the commentator immensely. I love animals and love to see that someone in this world is looking after the wild life. I volunteer at a horse rescue which in Kansas is the closest we get to wild life. Great Job!!!

Unknown said...

So heart warming to see that there is still love and caring in this world and this was awesome to watch. The humor just made it even better to watch. God Bless these caring loving people.

John and Sheila said...

LOVED the video. Have downloaded to computer so the grandchildren can also enjoy. Will follow your blog for more adventures.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic details --- Keep up the great work --------------- Joe

Joe Forti, Maine said...

Great work ------ please continue to educate us to other animal behavior --------- Joe

Lynn said...

Wonderful video and what a sence of humor you have Lynn

Anonymous said...

mother nature is so amazing,what a great piece,thanks to all involved

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed that very much....:O)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful video. It is heart warming to know that there are still human beings who care; respect and love animals and these bears are totally irresistible!

Unknown said...

I hate to be the "lone ranger" here but I think we should not disturb nature like this - to me it is harassing these bears ---- and the same thot about having to wear a large collar their whole life - just so they can be counted.

Anonymous said...

This was an awesome video.
We are full time RV'ers from Louisiana. We have spent several summers in Ontario.
This was really special, but we can not make it to the north in the winter.

Anonymous said...

Rick Mercer is hilarious and courageous at the same time. Algonquin Park is beautiful and should be a destination point for all Canadians, just not all at once!

Rik Sands said...

Well done Rick we should have more Vids like this and show folks whats is happening to our Wildlife. It is wonderful to see the connection between man and his animal neighbours, we sure need each other. Living in the UK I was amazed to see you guys doing this in the Freezing cold to keep the Species going. Well done all, may all your futures be the best they could ever be. Rik Sands London UK.

Mary said...

Glad you are tracking the bears but I prefer the way Dr Lynn Rogers does it.

Anonymous said...

What a feel good film to watch!
Simply loved it! Rick is a riot!
I would love to enjoy his humor
all the time. I'm so sick of the
idiotic obscene crap "humor" that
is so polluting all of our brains
& souls here in the U.S.A. And yes
the bears are adorable too. What a
fun,fasinating and greatly entertaining piece of work. Can Rick host a program for down here
in the good old U.S.A.?

Christine said...

So adorable were the cubs, i too wouldn't want to have given'em back.

Clarence said...

No bears In KY as far as I know.That bear seem way to easy to handle considering It had 3 cubs.Be sure to checked out my blogs too.